Organizing and managing a successful conference is a complex and multi-faceted program that begins 24-36 months before the opening day of the event. Recruiting organizing committee volunteers, sourcing suitable venues, securing sponsors and exhibitors, recruiting speakers and presenters and orchestrating the sequence of events to ensure a successful program requires a thorough understanding of event management as well as the target audience of the conference.
Karma-Link’s conference management services are designed to assist the volunteer led local organizing committees with all aspects of event logistics, organizing, planning and financial management, allowing the organizing committee members to focus their time and energy on program content and local colour.
Women in Mining - USA
Annual Conference
Held in April 2023 in Tucson, Arizona. Attended by over 400 attendees to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by women working in the mining industry.
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2023 Annual Conference
Held in May 2023 in Moncton, New Brunswick. Attended by over 600 engineering professionals and academics from across Canada and Internationally to network and share the latest industry trends and research.

57th U.S. Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium
Held in June 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia. Attended by over 500 rock mechanic professionals and academics from across North America and Internationally to network and share the latest industry trends and research.

Slope Stability 2022 Symposium
Held in October 2022 in Tucson, Arizona. Attended by over 640 experts in slope stabilization from over 44 countries around the world.

Short and Medium Span Bridge Conference
Held in July 2022 in Toronto, Ontario. Attended by over 550 civil engineers that specialize in short and medium span bridge construction.

Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference
Held in June 2022 in Santa Fe, New Mexico in conjunction with the American Rock Mechanics Association's annual conference.

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2022 Annual Conference
Held in May 2022 in Whistler, British Columbia. Attended by 500 civil engineering professionals and academics from across Canada and Internationally to network and share the latest industry trends and research.

Canadian Geotechnical Society - 2021 Annual Conference
Held in September 2021 in Niagara Falls, Ontario. This was one of the first in-person conferences held in Canada after the pandemic. The event was fully hybrid to accommodate virtual delates and was attended by 470 in-person delegates.